Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This Website is owned by Tech Bridge B.V. (the “Company”). Protection of your personal data is important to us. In this Privacy Policy, we explain how we process your personal data on this Website.

We request that you read this Privacy Policy carefully. By visiting our Website or using our services, you indicate that you have read our Privacy Policy.

1. Why do we process your personal data?

If you submit your personal data to this Website, we may process it for the purposes described below.

1.1. To respond to your queries or communicate with you

We process your personal data when you contact us via our online contact forms.

We process your name, title, (business) contact details (including your email address, telephone number, name of your company), and any other information that you provide to us in the open field entry of the contact form.

We process this information on the basis of your consent, which can be withdrawn by you at any time.

1.2. For surveys or other marketing communication

We process your personal data to send you surveys on our products or services or to send you marketing communication to keep you updated on events, special offers, new products and services of the Company. We may create profiles and analyse your interactions with us. This way we learn about your interests and can customize our communication to meet your personal interests.

We process your name, address, date of birth if you have provided us with that information, your email address and topics you have actively and voluntarily shared with us to be interested in, but also those inferred through your registered interactions with the Company website (for which we may use cookies), your purchasing history and the links you click in our emails.

We process this information on the basis of your consent, which can be withdrawn by you at any time.

1.3. For the development and improvement of products and services

We process aggregated personal data for various Company business-related purposes, such as developing new products and services, enhancing, improving, or modifying our Website, identifying usage trends, determining the effectiveness of our promotional campaigns, and operating and expanding our business activities.

We may use aggregated data. Sometimes we process personal data such as your name, your email address, your IP address, gender, place of residence, digits of your zip code, and any other information mentioned in this Privacy Policy or otherwise provided to us by you.

We process this information on the legal basis of consent, which can be withdrawn by you at any time.

1.4. For the technical and functional management of the Website

We process your personal data to help you find information in a quick and easy way and to improve access to and functionality of this site.

We may process cookies, your IP-address, the internet browser you use, the visited webpages, previous/next visited websites, and the duration of your visit.

We process this information for our legitimate business purposes, i.e. to better understand how our customers interact with our websites.

1.5. To administer the account when you create an account with us

Upon your request, we can create a personal account for you to make the purchasing process easier for you. Upon creating your account, we will send you your personal login information.

We may process your name, a valid email address, and any other information requested. We also process your display name, your role, and your login data.

We process this information on the basis of your consent, which can be withdrawn by you at any time.

1.6. For compliance with laws and legal obligations and protection of Company assets and interests

We will process your personal data as appropriate or necessary (a) under applicable law, including laws outside your country of residence and including e.g. counterparty due diligence, money laundering, financing of terrorism and other crimes; (b) to comply with legal process; (c) to respond to requests from public and government authorities including public and government authorities outside your country of residence; (d) to enforce our terms and conditions and other applicable policies; (e) to protect our operations; (f) to protect our rights, privacy, safety or property, and/or that of yours or others; and (g) to allow us to pursue available remedies or limit the damages that we may sustain.

If so required, we may process your name, your contact information, your correspondence with the Company, your use of any of our products and/or services and any other information mentioned in this Policy or otherwise provided to us by you, if such is required for one of the purposes mentioned in the previous paragraph.

We process this information on the basis of our legitimate business purposes.

2. With whom do we share your personal information?

We do not share your data with third parties other than those mentioned in this Privacy Policy.

Service providers and other external parties

We may also use third-party service providers to perform certain data processing activities on our behalf, such as information technology and related infrastructure provision, security (including identity and access management) services, and legal, financial/accounting and other similar services.

We have agreed technical, organizational and contractual measures (data processing agreements) with these third parties to ensure that your personal data is exclusively processed for the purposes mentioned above and to ensure that the data is well secured.

Only if we are required to do so by law, your personal information may be provided to supervisory agencies, fiscal authorities and investigative agencies.

3. Where do we store your personal data?

Your personal data may be processed in a country other than the one you reside in if:

a. these countries guarantee an adequate level of protection and as such have been formally recognized by being placed on the 'adequate list' of the European Commission; or

b. use is made of a model contract (e.g., EU Model Clauses).

4. How do we secure the data?

Your personal data is treated confidentially, and we have taken technical and organizational security measures against loss or unlawful processing of this data. We use several security techniques including secure servers, firewalls, and encryption, as well as physical safeguard of the locations where data are stored.

5. How long do we retain personal data?

We will retain your personal data for the period necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this Policy, unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by applicable law. In the event of data which have been provided with your personal consent, we will keep them until we receive your request to remove such data.

6. Rights regarding personal data

You have certain rights with regard to your personal data. In accordance with the laws of the Netherlands, you have the following rights:

  • The right to request a copy of your personal data and further, where reasonably possible, have access to your personal data (Right of Access)
  • The right to rectify inaccurate data (Right of Rectification of Inaccurate Data)
  • The right to erase your personal data (Right to Erasure/right to be forgotten)
  • The right to restrict the processing of your personal data (Right to Restriction of Processing)
  • The right to object at any time to processing of personal data concerning you for such marketing, which includes profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing (Right to Object)
  • The right to Data Portability

In addition, you may at any time withdraw the consent that you gave to using your personal data. Withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on your consent before the withdrawal.

The request to exercise one or more of the above rights can be submitted in writing to the address stated at the end of this statement.

When we receive a request, depending on the nature of the request, we will first weigh up the interests and assess whether we can and must comply with the request. Then we will send an appropriate response.

If you have not received a timely reply to your request or if the request has been rejected, you can lodge complaint. Send your complaint to: or with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens).

7. Cookies

Our Website does use cookies. The data may be used at a later time to improve the performance of the Website. The used data for this is anonymized.

8. Who to address with questions about your personal data

You can ask questions about your personal data at any time by sending a request to the following email: